I grew up homeschooled on a farm. I was still trans.
I had no idea what trans was. I just knew I wasn’t a boy.
It wasn’t made up.
Eventually, when I joined the rest of the world, I realize there were a whole lot of people who felt like I did.
I want to protect those people like myself.
I had no idea what trans was. I just knew I wasn’t a boy.
It wasn’t made up.
Eventually, when I joined the rest of the world, I realize there were a whole lot of people who felt like I did.
I want to protect those people like myself.
My healthcare doesn't cover it, so I pay exorbitant costs out of pocket. I'm told by my family that its going to cause me to have a heart attack and die.
My doctors have discouraged me at every step of the way, suggesting I just be a feminine man.
If anyone is pressuring others to do it, or ignoring safeguards I certainly haven't seen it.
Society does not want to let people be trans. We are trans in spite of that resistance.
And when I set out on my own, and everyone put up resistance to me being trans, that somehow that's pushing me into it?
Is that because someone pushed it onto me?
Is that why my body produces high levels of estrogen, and I grew breasts in puberty? Is that why I don't have an Adams apple?
It would have been easier not to be trans, but I didn't have a choice.
This is just the cards I drew in life.