Not a Trump fan by a very wide margin, however, I've been watching with interest the revelations people are having, and the confusion (despite the obvious) that what they were sold is not what they are getting.
And I feel compassion for them.
And I feel compassion for them.
They have been lied to and let down by politics for decades.
The media that is available to them (like a convenience TV dinner) is made up of comforting junkfood lies as well.
I had this revelation.
After a long hard day, I SHOULD cook a meal and get exercise, but instead I may grab a takeout.
I know its bad for me long term, but not right now.
They Voted Trump because he was a greasy takeout that just may make a change.
Its not that they don't care, it's just the have no energy left to care with.
Trump is a desperate person's low effort takeout junkfood.
Don't hate them for being played, hate the player.
But for All that is Holy, FIX THE DAMN SYSTEM!
Shouting into the void I know, but going to say it anyway...
Politicians, please....