You can really tell these people have never had a nap for dinner, and while I wouldn't wish that experience on's precious. Water is precious. I scream in impotent rage at my culture's endless sins and waste.
I was listening to the radio & the host talked about how she had a ton of groceries delivered & forgot about them & they sat on her porch for an hour (in the cold, mind you) so she threw all of it away. Like... my average grocery trip is longer than that. That food was fine. Absolutely insane.
growing up in a less than favorable financial position really makes you see the value of food, and to witness people throwing out half eaten burgers or dumping bowls of food down the drain drives me NUTS.
*licks over chops*
It's one thing if you fuck up dinner, or forget that block of cheese in the fridge
It's another when leftovers are "icky" or something ridiculous like that
It's not bad, just crisp, crust is fine.
I was half tempted to throw it out till i released the cost and said "nope, this is supper for the next few days. You can't afford to throw it away"