Just to clarify, we can feed the poor, just conservatives and Republicans don't want that because conservative values. They suppose the poor are only poor because they choose to be, and they only choose to be to pick the pockets of others by suggesting they make a system that would feed the poor.
Basically, they don't understand very much about how our system for distributing economic power actually works, the factors affecting whether one is rich or poor. They operate more at the level of fable, myth, storytelling. I mean, they're conservatives, Republicans: they don't do reality or truth.
The elite establishment wing supposes our system perfect as is, everyone has what they should, and want to eliminate democracy so voters can't change it. The plebeian and poor wing supposes our system compromised, they should have more, and they want to eliminate the democracy distorting it.
Conservatives, Republicans may not see eye to eye with respect to our economic system, its ethical status, what it does, why it does it, who should prosper, who should suffer, but one thing they agree upon: democratic government is ill advised, ethically dodgy, inefficient, and must be eliminated.
Both parties want war they just disagree about the targets so sometimes they can claim to be anti war when the other side is in power. Trump is more expansionist than anyone since Bush tho
- and yet we choose to except how they divide us with false leaders in politics on sides while their front in poltics is sweaping that cream from wars. kind regards
So John, would you prefer that violent criminals are not put in prisons and left to roam the streets, and that we didnt use any bombs to fight Hitler in the 1940's, you really need to educate yourself instead of just repeating things that make you feel good,
yes you heard me!
But keep voting for Democrats. I'm sure they'll do what you want, someday...
Trump is the first president in a long time who is actively avoiding wars.
Bush: Iraq & Afghanistan
Obama: Libya & Syria
Trump: no war
Biden: Ukraine, Afghanistan (disgraceful retreat)
Trump: no war
These people are more afraid of the word “socialised” than they are fascism. wtf.