I will not sit idly by while the richest man in the world takes away the benefits seniors have earned over a lifetime of hard work. You can bet I will fight to protect your social security.
Virtual town halls do not even begin to meet the import of this moment. 🤷🏻♀️
Maybe try putting some fire or contrition in your posts? We need to know you have a pulse.
Maybe try this:
These liars and scumbags are trying to steal the money you’ve earned over a lifetime. I say fuck that shit. I’m bring hell to their door.🤔
Get real, lady
It's YOUR mess for accepting an ILLEGITIMATE traitor in
All #vichydemocrats will never work in politcs again
Local Office #: (414) 297-4451
DC Office #: (202) 224-5653
Office Website: https://www.baldwin.senate.gov
Please only contact if this is your rep. If you wish to speak to another rep about this issue, find them here: https://reps.fyi
Nonviolent solution to Dictator Trump
Hire these guys to impeach Dictator Trump before May 1st
Brownstein Hyatt Farber Shreck LLP
Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP
Holland & Knight