I agree π we actually had a premier here who did exactly that during it... he was premier during the entire thing and was a huge Trekkie, like had costumes and all. He often would say that. He died a few days ago actually. My province is pretty sad these days. But we carry on and make the best π₯°
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I hated the mysticism in Deep Space 9 but they did have one of the best episodes ever when they went back in time to the Trouble with Tribbles episode.
I've only seen scraps of newer than Voyager as I'm on terrestrial TV. May treat myself to Picard on DVD
for christmas.
Non-linear worm hole aliens - prophets!!
I don't think it was done well and it was sadly too large a part of the plot and not to my mind fitting for Star Trek.
Should dump the TV. I really have it mostly for noise.
ahhh... I know very little about DS9, had moved onto other things by then
I love films so I wouldn't want to ditch my actual physical teevee but I definitely don't regret ditching cable, and never getting streaming/digital at all in the first place. I have discriminatory telly tastes π
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I agree π we actually had a premier here who did exactly that during it... he was premier during the entire thing and was a huge Trekkie, like had costumes and all. He often would say that. He died a few days ago actually. My province is pretty sad these days. But we carry on and make the best π₯°
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I wanna watch ToS again, it's been awhile. I have it here
looking at the salt vampire mask, I love that episode
the whole ToS and TNG were much beloved... I didn't get into the other iterations so much. Which is fine
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I've only seen scraps of newer than Voyager as I'm on terrestrial TV. May treat myself to Picard on DVD
for christmas.
DS9 had mysticism? Huh... normally that might pique my interest but it doesn't honestly sound that appealing within that context
The tribble episode was such fun
I haven't had 'normal' telly since the millennium, just struck me what rubbish it mostly was. I bought loads of dvd's and torrents
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I don't think it was done well and it was sadly too large a part of the plot and not to my mind fitting for Star Trek.
Should dump the TV. I really have it mostly for noise.
ahhh... I know very little about DS9, had moved onto other things by then
I love films so I wouldn't want to ditch my actual physical teevee but I definitely don't regret ditching cable, and never getting streaming/digital at all in the first place. I have discriminatory telly tastes π
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makes sense to me π
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