“Welcome to the culture war – where only the right is really fighting, and the other side is helping it out by punching itself in the face.”
Oof. That hits hard. Read this whole piece. Then read it again.
Oof. That hits hard. Read this whole piece. Then read it again.
Reposted from
Nesrine Malik
'The readiness to repudiate identity politics & group them under “bad woke” is less about policy and more about the fact that social justice never really found a home amongst liberals, who were happy to capture its energy but not its demands.'
The week's column
The week's column
The failure of elites who co-opted the fight for social justice has turned into a belief that it is not what people want but:
“out in the real world, what the people want was never respected or advocated for with any leadership, consistency and conviction. The fight never started.”