The problem is they think they're right. They bend reality until they're right, and there's just no breaking through with that. If you show them reality, they look it in the eyes and reject it, so they'll want to win from our perspective, because they already think they're right.
There's this TV series on them, mistakenly called "The Anarchists," which is the biggest unintentional tragedy ever. So, even at a rank and file level, it's like they jump the shark.
Feels like they’re waiting for their turn to be in charge of the car that was just wrapped around the tree.
It’s doesn’t work that way in the constitution (that repubs no longer even follow), and it’s not going to just happen like musical chairs if shit gets just messed up enough.
It’s doesn’t work that way in the constitution (that repubs no longer even follow), and it’s not going to just happen like musical chairs if shit gets just messed up enough.
it breaks my heart