"Ah." She didn't pry to his pain- after all, it wasn't her place.
"I do not judge- just was unexpected." She felt... nothing yet. But she assumed whatever was in the herbs would hit-
"Oh. Oh dear." Her ears fell back, a certain languidness hitting her.
"How... strong are those herbs?"
"I do not judge- just was unexpected." She felt... nothing yet. But she assumed whatever was in the herbs would hit-
"Oh. Oh dear." Her ears fell back, a certain languidness hitting her.
"How... strong are those herbs?"
He hadn’t warned her on purpose, curious how her body would metabolize it.
“I’m fairly large,” he—
He takes another drag, holding his breath before sighing, smoke curling from his lips as he speaks.
“ [ Very ] strong.”
"They left a funny taste behind. Should've known then." She curled more into him, turning so she could look at him while she talked.
"I'm not going to have visions am I?"