The title of this post is "WhatsApp Metadata: Threat or Menace?" The post suggests you discontinue using WhatsApp and replace it with Signal Messenger.
If you're curious about why I suggest this, read on...
If you're curious about why I suggest this, read on...
Metadata is "data about data" that facilitates its intended use. When you mail a letter, you put it into an envelope and write some metadata -- your own address and the recipient's address -- onto the envelope.
A few examples of metadata on the internet: *
* The subject line of your emails
* The length of your conversations
* The time frame in which a conversation took place
Software applications, including WhatsApp and Signal, use metadata to accomplish their aims. But there is a problem: Metadata can disclose things about you that you may find disquieting.
* You called the suicide prevention hotline from the
Golden Gate Bridge.
* You got an email from an HIV testing service, then
called your doctor, then visited an HIV support group
website within the same hour.
with the subject line "Tell Congress: KOSA Will Censor the Internet but Won't Help Kids" and then called your
elected representative immediately after.
* You called a gynecologist, spoke for a half hour, and
If this wholesale compromise of your privacy is not okay with you, consider discontinuing WhatsApp and replacing it with Signal Messenger. Signal uses the bare minimum of metadata it needs to function, while