(September 22, 2024)
"Joshua, can we bring him home?"
How can Joshua say no to that face?😂
Probably my fave art of the year!
#trailsinthesky #soranokiseki #空の軌跡 #art #fanart #EstelleBright #エステル・ブライト#Fuecoco #ホゲータ
"Joshua, can we bring him home?"
How can Joshua say no to that face?😂
Probably my fave art of the year!
#trailsinthesky #soranokiseki #空の軌跡 #art #fanart #EstelleBright #エステル・ブライト#Fuecoco #ホゲータ
But as someone who just finished Moon Door... 4, I think... Her favorite Pokémon type is probably Bug or Fighting, and she should have a Heracross instead!
Fuecoco is my fave though and I just noticed they had similar color palettes if she's in her FC costume so 😆 I just had to
She still needs a Heracroas though