Is that meant to show that this is so unimportant to him that he didn't even bother to turn off what he was watching, or does he see that as appropriate set dressing for this sort of discussion? Like its a small dumb thing to point out, but it also feels so deliberate and its fucking weird its there
my reading is that he is, like all rightoids, a groomer doing the "am epic gamer" pastiche will attempting to indoctrinate the public
individuals like Ethan and his ilk cant be allowed in gaming or generally geek spaces cause kids like nerd stuff and they use it as a masquerade to abuse children
Shotouts to all the weirdo remaining h3 fans who tried to tell me I needed to watch his extremely long hasanabi video cause it "raised actual good points" and totally didn't get mad at him for not being pro genocide
Interesting…I can show you 1,000 clips of him saying he despises what Israel is doing to Gaza and wishes it would stop and that there would be a two state solution. All your video does is say “look at BadEmpanda” who has been caught lying millions of times and actively pretends to **** Hila. L take
That being said, you’re generalizing all Israelis the SAME EXACT WAY that lady generalizes all Palestinians…listen seriously listen to yourself right now.
This bigotry from BOTH sides is the problem. I just wish people could be more normal about this conflict.
Stop this now. Equating the genocidal death wish propaganda of an occupier with the negative feelings of the occupied victims is disgusting and so out of bounds.
Making such blanket statements about all citizens of a country is actually insane, idk how you don’t see the problem here. So many Israelis want a ceasefire but believe in a 2 state solution because they also don’t want to be displaced from their homes. This isn’t “supporting genocide”
Many innocent people are dying in Gaza and it needs to stop. I agree. I just wish everyone could agree that we want the war to end. Lots of things that I see people post concern me.
“I polled 100 Ukrainians and asked them if they wanted Ukraine to stop existing, almost all of them said no, how evil are they? They can just move back to other European countries and give their land back! They don’t have a right to it” You, but replace Ukraine with Israel.
I’m a pacifist, all I want is for people to stop dying. So many innocent people in Gaza have been killed, and many innocent lives were lost in Israel on Oct 7th as well. There are valid criticisms to your video, and not everyone criticizing you supports genocide, I’m literally a pacifist.
I wasn’t super aware of the conflict back then but yes obviously I would’ve told you back then that I didn’t want innocent people to die. Litterally why wouldn’t anyone think that?!
Ukraine is not genociding russians. Israel on the other hand is genociding palestians. It's not a question about israels existance but if palestians should exists. This person answers this quesion clearly with "No". Ukrainians are not calling for the eradication of russians.
Your latest video is absolutly fantastic. Thank you for your amazing work! BadEmpanada and you are two of the most relevant youtubers on the palestinian genocide
I was crying like 5 minutes in. Goddamn, how can anyone look at these clips and somehow laugh at a man hysterically crying for his brother whose body is shredded? Humans can be absolute fucking monsters. A holocaust can be so wretchedly banal and mundane, and no one bats an eye at it
individuals like Ethan and his ilk cant be allowed in gaming or generally geek spaces cause kids like nerd stuff and they use it as a masquerade to abuse children
Free Palestine. 🍉❤️
Shit like this is why YouTubers aren’t gonna take you seriously
This bigotry from BOTH sides is the problem. I just wish people could be more normal about this conflict.