If you’re a human being and you can’t help yourself but wasting your waking hours wishing a married couple get divorced, look yourself in the mirror and ask yourself why you’re drinking malicious Kool aid poison hoping Harry & Meghan will divorce and then what? How will that improve your life?
They said they weren't really dating. Then they'll never get married. Then Harry wants a divorce. Meghan will leave. It will only last 1-2 yrs. She can't get pregnant. Archie is a doll. Wait, a robot! Both kids are hired actors. They got a professional work divorce. Life is hard as a Deranger 😂😁😂😁🤣
2 years ago that dried up ‘Lady C’ had the trolls convinced that H & M were divorced and H was hiding in the UK. Only for them to turn up in NY a few days later looking happy and loved up. That cow had full-grown women literally crying on Reddit, talking about ‘I don’t know what to believe anymore’