I disagree solely for the reason of artistic vision, if a band comes together to make a song/album and the way they want to present that to the world is with vocals, then that is the correct way. If they release the instrumentals too, that’s cool tho
As a video editor, I fully endorse this. I've spent half my career cutting around vocals. You have this great musical passage that perfectly fits a scene...then some annoying lyrics kick in and ruin the whole vibe.
look up "karaoke ver" on yt it will change your life
but seriously, keep in mind that composing, mixing, and producing a song is all real labor that deserves to be compensated, and people do very faithfully recreate tracks and sell them on websites like https://karaokeversion.com so conider buying one!
YES!! One of my favorite songs is the instrumental version of Slander by the band Hail the Sun, and oh my god. The composition is INCREDIBLE. HIGHLY recommend you listen to that song if you’re interested!
I remember being so disappointed that there wasn't an official instrumental of the Titan boss theme when Sonic Frontiers first came out, I'm glad they released with the final horizon update
i like songs where there's singing but it haslike a bunch of effects on so you can't work out what they're saying (and sometimes it sounds like an instrumental)
I completely agree, though I can understand if smaller musicians don’t have the time, money or tools to do so, or if the recording/project is so old that itd be difficult to separate the two properly
But yeah until that I've been using a tool named Ultimate Vocal Remover which can isolate a song into instrumental & vocals only.
but seriously, keep in mind that composing, mixing, and producing a song is all real labor that deserves to be compensated, and people do very faithfully recreate tracks and sell them on websites like https://karaokeversion.com so conider buying one!
LOVE Doja and her album but this song specifically I js wish had an instrumental