I like it but I feel like Shadow's SA2 voice was better/aligns more with how I think he should sound. Keanu kinda sounds like a generic edgelord a bit honestly
Thats when you know you've failed at a Shadow voice. Edgelord. That was what he got made fun of for years for. Which is why I think Keanu just sounds like a fandub.
I WAS JUST TALKING ABOUT THIS I agree so hard. shadow is such an Edgy Teenager of a character he needs that emotion and vulnerability to his voice, i feel like as much as i love keanu his voice acting is too suave and emotionless. yes shadow Tries to not emote but i think giving him more variability
would really help for telling the story of his character without having to spell out every detail. no idea if what i'm saying makes sense but TL;DR ryan mitchum from the snapcube sonic fandubs is the quintessential perfect shadow and they should have hired him
I'm def on the side of waiting for more, but I think i need to hear him in more emotional scenes or fighting or fighting to judge properly. My pick (if it wasn't the game v/a which would be ideal) would've been Hayden Christensen I think lol
I’m 50/50 I love Keanu and think he will do a great job as shadow but playing the games growing up you’re right I think there is a way better fit out there
Its funny because I said I would wait for final judgement till i heard more. And now that we have heard more plenty are agreeing with me. Hype kills braincells.
Though I would’ve preferred someone like Hayden Christiansen if they couldn’t get his current VA in
Idris Elba as Knuckles is the best voice of the entire cast, he just nails Knuckles and also helped by Movie Knuckles characterization