Mary Shelley: wot
Barker: you know,
Barker: mary shelley
Barker: queen of the fuckin frame story!
Shelley: you better watch your mouth, you little fuck
Barker: you know,
Barker: mary shelley
Barker: queen of the fuckin frame story!
Shelley: you better watch your mouth, you little fuck
Poe: i can't even describe the emotion i felt when i saw it
Lovecraft: now that's the way you do it!
Poe: well, howard's right
Poe: sometimes things are scarier if you withhold information from the reader
Barker: like the fact that the guy survived?
But I too like things that are indescribably creepy and absolutely do not need to be worried about whether the protagonist survives to be invested in a story!
Barker: sorry i don't think i heard you, could you say that again?
Lovecraft: sometimes something is SO SCARY that you just can't describe it
King: well, i don't know about that
King: i think if i had to imagine the scariest thing, i could describe it
King: it would probably look like a clown
Koontz: that's pretty scary!
King: thank you, dean
Barker: dean doesn't count
Barker: and neither does adam!
Thomas Ligotti:
Barker: and we all know how you feel, tom
Or… just watch your mouth, Clive. It’s a verrrrry simple choice.