Technically it's a story made up by a teacher to a student in a temple as a metaphor to help address a question the student had. Even in the book it says it's a story, the story itself is in two parts and isn't even the majority of the book.
Funny thing is the second part is only there because the student didn't like that the original story just had Job lose everything, so the teacher added the ending where Job gets everything back, but better.
The story is only like 2 chapters out of a dozen or so, and the rest is discussion.
It should be noted that the "question" was the Question of Evil, and the "story" was basically an attempt to gaslight the fuck out of everyone; with the lesson being "Who the hell are you to judge me- you wouldn't understand".
and in typical religious-fruit-cake-sock-puppet fashion, Job grovels.
The story is only like 2 chapters out of a dozen or so, and the rest is discussion.
and in typical religious-fruit-cake-sock-puppet fashion, Job grovels.