Says the illegal immigrant who has taken over $2.8 billion in government handouts in the form of subsidies and grants. That doesn’t even begin to address the billions in contracts…how many of those were no bid?
The Afrikaaner who lied on his visa paperwork and who pockets billions in taxpayers subsidies has deep thoughts about illegal immigrants mooching off the gubmint.
This is chapter and verse Camus as is Musk’s recent injunction that “It's good to be proud of German culture and German values, and not to lose that in some sort of multiculturalism that dilutes everything.” He is a full member of the far right in the narrow sense now.
What of Elon’s far more bloated entitlements? Huge government subsidies every year? Unpaid tax breaks bloating deficits every year? The only reason we even know Elon Musk’s name is because of entitlements for the mega rich. It’s a global problem with governments Musk exploits.
Fuck. This. Guy.