You do a lot of good work, especially exposing that racist arsehole Curtis Yarvin. Don't put yourself in a position where it gets dismissed by my fellow BIPOC's with a "joke".
As Robin Williams once told me make sure you think a joke through from multiple types of people & always punch up. ✌️
It came off as potentially racist, ergo not funny.
It's important for liberal/left white people (like yourself) to examine their own racist biases even when attacking even more virulent racisms like the Nazi 🤡 pictured. Fighting big racism with tiny racism is still racism. All racism must cease.
As Robin Williams once told me make sure you think a joke through from multiple types of people & always punch up. ✌️
It's important for liberal/left white people (like yourself) to examine their own racist biases even when attacking even more virulent racisms like the Nazi 🤡 pictured. Fighting big racism with tiny racism is still racism. All racism must cease.