I don't think this works unless Trump finds a way to nationalize a significant part of US oil reserves. Family-based petrokleptocracy, like the Saudis, the Nazarbayevs in Kazakhstan, the Do Santos's in Angola, don't get off the ground without the secret revenue streams to the state energy companies.
I love your writing, but I’m curious why you chose to publish this with NYT & thereby lend them any of your credibility when they got us into this mess with the mealy-mouthed slop they publish. Why not somewhere with more integrity like the NYRB, where I’ve read you before, or The New Yorker, etc.?
"a “dance of mutual delusion” with consultants and starchitects dazzling the monarch just enough to keep extending their contracts."
I can certainly see some similarities - but it's not just Trump, but the different groups around him vying for power: the techno-broligarchs, the theocrats and open fascists. Depends who wins, I guess.
Seems extremely plausible. Saudi society's structure mirrors a lot of ways that Trump wants American society structured politically, economically, even aesthetically.
Nö, der will weisse Eva’s sehen mit riesen Titten in Massen, die sich freuen wenn er aus dem Auto winkt. Also eher #AHinNürnberg… Der kann mit vollkutten nix anfangen.
My spouse worked in SA for many years. This isn’t a bad theory. Don’t forget the religious police/repression though. That’s here too with the right wing Christian Nationalist coalition of NAR/trad Catholics/Xian Reconstructionist Reformed theobros. At least the NAR sees T as an anointed savior king.
One trend seems to be the global fossile class finding solidarity with each other despite being competitors.
Americans need to at least elect our AG and FBI director.