The tentacles are far reaching - it is impacting here too
US Companies with branches in Aus have told them to dismantle any D&I policies
Universities here have had funding cut for collaborative “woke” research
Our May election has a Trump-wannabe in opposition
Scared he gets in 😥
Luckily, the impact hasn't been widespread for most Americans yet—aside from rising grocery prices and the relentless dizzying news cycle. That’s why there hasn’t been more pushback. I don’t think it’ll be long before the grip of authoritarianism is truly felt, and then the outcry will be deafening.
I agree that the impact isn't being felt by most Americans yet, wait until social security gets cut or goes away, and Medicare and Medicaid are gone, that will be the tipping point.
It’s absolutely terrifying watching this from up 🇨🇦 here. We didn’t vote this government in yet 42,000,000 of Canadians are impacted every day. We are having to talk to our children on the realities of war. But yeah, grocery prices.
When I see Trump speaking so disparagingly of his allies I think of this:
A young boy had difficulty managing his temper. His father gave the boy some nails and a hammer and said, “Every time you feel like lashing out at someone, pound a nail into the backyard fence.”
The boy did just that. The first few days he hammered many nails into the first panel. Then, gradually he slowed down until he didn't need to do it anymore.
His father gave him a new challenge: remove a nail from the fence for every day he controlled his temper. Eventually, all the nails were gone
That's great,” the father said, “But I want you to notice something. Look at those holes in the fence. Those holes don't go away when you take the nails out. It's the same thing when you say or do something hurtful to someone else; you can try to take it back later, but the damage remains”
I have family in the US. I will never go there to see them again. We have said good bye to those who voted for this. I won’t be a tourist there again. I actively boycott their products and services. No more Amazon. No more AirBnB. The damage being done is irreparable. Multiplied by 42M Canadians.
Sending hugs 😥 I understand
We are boycotting here too in Aus and our PM has called to buy Aus - eg don’t buy Coca Cola, buy Bundaberg -
We bought a Toyota hybrid last week when originally we thought of a Tesla
We are inconsequential in the market but the outrage is palpable
The world feels upside down
Hang in there 😥 ❤️
US Companies with branches in Aus have told them to dismantle any D&I policies
Universities here have had funding cut for collaborative “woke” research
Our May election has a Trump-wannabe in opposition
Scared he gets in 😥
A young boy had difficulty managing his temper. His father gave the boy some nails and a hammer and said, “Every time you feel like lashing out at someone, pound a nail into the backyard fence.”
His father gave him a new challenge: remove a nail from the fence for every day he controlled his temper. Eventually, all the nails were gone
We are boycotting here too in Aus and our PM has called to buy Aus - eg don’t buy Coca Cola, buy Bundaberg -
We bought a Toyota hybrid last week when originally we thought of a Tesla
We are inconsequential in the market but the outrage is palpable