Yes, specifically the MAGA Repubs in office during Biden's administration, with Donald constantly in their ears as they breathlessly waited for him, sniffing at his feet for any morsels of drivel he might drop as directives to use to obstruct Biden's progress and success.
They are trying to MAT (Make America Texas) in the vein of Greg Abbott and Cancun Cruz...Greg Abbott is mortally opposed to functioning electrical grids...
News flash - Canada won't rip USA off. Our record speaks for itself. Economics made sense at the time cuz Canada had extra to sell, safe source, saves USA from building a plant for a smaller jurisdiction that costs tons of money - so - economics.
*cough* exported to other countries far away *cough*
- because they are shills for the mega corporations & billionaire class who seek highest prices for profits FOR THEIR POCKETS!!!!
If memory serves me right ...
Oh the joys of those arrangements !!!
Oh, it was DONALD TRUMP in the USMCA Agreement, of course.
Canada has a LOT of hydroelectric power in the region.