Yes. There is no point. The more you talk to them, the more they dig in deeper. The don't care who is hurt. And even when it's them they still aren't sure they wouldn't still vote for him yea let's keep talking to them
Respectfully, I think you missed my point. All I was pointing out was that is wishful thinking to believe they will turn on Trump this easily. Speak to trump supporters (who got him elected! easily!) and they are just as besotted as ever. There’s no tidal wave of lost support coming.
The brainwashing of conservatives is crystal clear in that graph. All it took was a democratic president to make them think the *improving* economy was getting worse.
You mean Trump standing in front of the White House with the richest man in the world buying a Cyber Truck from him for his grand daughter didn’t convince ma and pa that they really do need to go through some pain to make the country great again?
What is the y axis measuring. The problem is that as most markers of economic growth increase the average American becomes relatively worse off in terms of buying power and quality of life.