Silver Lining- We instinctively start to clap and sway, then remember. People are stealing glances at Blake. He’s fine, but it is good we got this out of the way early.
The Moneymaker-The bass slaps and the tension is broken. Suddenly everyone is dancing.
The Moneymaker-The bass slaps and the tension is broken. Suddenly everyone is dancing.
The Absence of God- Time to slow it down and get deep. If you’ve taken an edible, ideally this is when it kicks in.
A Man/Me/Then Jim- Now they’re just really hurting our feelings in the most breathtakingly gorgeous way.
Breakin’ Up- A little more dancing. Tongues firmly planted in cheeks that are sore from smiling.
Heads Gonna Roll- The Wurlitzer descends from the sky. Jenny says this is not an RK song, but she wants to play it special for me. (Hey this is my dream, don’t ruin it)