Surprisingly, Fanhome wants me to superglue it. I can also return it for exchange, or get a 20% off discount on the next ship.
I wonder if they have been getting a lot of damage claims and don’t want to or can’t offer replacements for everyone
I wonder if they have been getting a lot of damage claims and don’t want to or can’t offer replacements for everyone
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They wanted me to either superglue it or break it further so they'd replace them.
Unfortunately, they didn't have any more Scimitars, so I had to superglue the nacelles back together.
If anyone can fix these nacelles it ought to me be 😜
Unfortunately, my superglueing skills are practically nonexistent.
I did my best, but one of the Scimitar's nacelles fell back off when i moved a couple months ago, and j haven't taken the time to do it again lol
Clearly this is the 32nd Century refit with the detached nacelles.