A #Roman tombstone dedicated to Vivius Marcianus, a centurion in the Legio II Augusta, by his wife Januaria Martina. It gives no biographical information, but he is depicted as a full-length figure, holding a centurion's vine-staff in his right hand, & maybe a scroll in the left 🏺AncientBlueSky
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D(is) M(anibus)
Vivio Marci-
ano (centurio) leg(ionis) II
Aug(ustae) Ianuaria
Martina coniunx
pientissima posu-
it memoriam
(đź“· RIB https://romaninscriptionsofbritain.org/inscriptions/17)
"To the spirits of the departed and to Vivius Marcianus, centurion of the Second Legion Augusta, Januaria Martina his most devoted wife set up this memorial."