This is fantastic to see. The Turkish government, bent on its own brand of ethnic cleansing, treated the Syrian refugees terribly. It's a global victory to see another dictator become dust.
i thought this originally, but the insane amount of syrians pouring in from western democratic countries could potentially pressure the new government to democratize to increase its support
I seriously doubt it. It will just give them more target practice. Durinnnnnnnng these times its politics of division that tends to win. Do I hope you're right? Yes
I find it hard to believe this is true. So all these people managed to uproot their entire lives abroad and move across the border with just a day's notice?
Will the people be able to be a nation and not slaves to a war lord. We will have to see if the new controlling interests can be bribed by Russia to keep an air base and naval base in country.
This seems very premature. Syria doesn't even really have a government right now it has many different diametrically opposed factions trying to figure something out with no guarantee that it's not just going to collapse into another civil war like Libya
How much of western Europe’s right wing immigration talk will be made moot by this? Will it diminish their influence and lead to the stronger point of we all need to oppose dictators?
They will be fleeing again once they find the new regime treats human rights with the same disregard as the old one. People celebrated the Khmer Rouge taking power in Cambodia at first as well. Assad was horrible what follows may be more of the same.
But I'm sure there is some great documentary being played instead. 🙄
Ahhh so that's why 🇷🇺 Left in such a hurry 🤔