Tim Walz's daughter Hope says that her "red flag" for dating a man is if he listens to Joe Rogan because it means he "probably isn’t a great person" and his "values" won't "align" with hers.
This rule has "never failed" her and her friends. I agree with her.
This rule has "never failed" her and her friends. I agree with her.
Especially on episodes where he doesn’t have political guests. Cause he is quite a good interviewer tbf.
He’s a fraud because many of his guests are frauds.
Rogan making a thoughtful face and pretending to ponder the concept is not “being open-minded,” it’s being empty-headed; there’s a big difference between the two.
They know what they’re doing. They just don’t care.
#stoptrump #saveamerica #recount
Lawmakers not only have an opportunity to derail the coming coronation and slow the damage—they have a constitutional duty to do so.
how about a game show- "Who's the BIGGEST Asshole" where a 9 person panel shows clips and ask questions to come to a conclusion-
imagine trump, musk, zuckerfuck, vivek, gaetz and jordan as the first shows contestants. In our government, we have enough assholes to keep this show afloat for 100 years
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I WILL beg...