This is all the work of Putin. If all the insanity is traced back to it's original source, it's Putin. "All roads lead to Putin." Putin's been quietly doing his dirty work for many years & now it's all coming to a head.
Almost none of the major media reports I’ve seen has provided these specifics on the previously banned hate speech that they’ve now explicitly accepted. Frankly, it’s 75% of the story, even more than the bended knee which is merely “dog bites man” territory.
Because no matter how much money you have, when you're a little bitch who is afraid of women, you refer to them as inanimate objects. All these guys do is attempt to compensate for the fact that all the $ in the world can't fix the fact that they are the saddest excuses for men, & we all can see it.
Precisely why there should be an exodus from that platform. I’d love a place to keep all my photos but BlueSky doesn’t have that yet. I guess I’ll have to just download them all. I’ll miss all that history on FB - been there since 2007. But not going to tolerate an X repeat.
So... Same FB that banned me for three days not that long ago for posting a meme about how Mary Shelley invented the sci-fi genre because I "violated community standards" with no other explanation?
I sincerely, fervently hope it results in people LEAVING facebook en masse - we have a 'president' who lies & gaslights CONSTANTLY & now you're free to publish any false information you want on Facebook -
This renders Facebook worse than useless
This is insane - creating an entirely false reality
Totally logical... 🙄
This renders Facebook worse than useless
This is insane - creating an entirely false reality
and are answerable to the Queen bee.
Can be replaced at will.
#4B and hardcore frugal. Active engagement in community building. Tell everyone to tell everyone. We start NOW. 🤝