In particular community related services and when churches spend money showing off rather than assist neighbors. Churches need to lose their tax status and use that money for public service
our entire government is supposed to be service oriented, but the greedy money hoarding clowns decided to make a career of it, instead.. America should be Not For Profit.. in 77 years I never associated my happiness with monetary gain, but the undeveloped creatures seem to have a different approach
Yes! When I see the best performing stock for the week is UnitedHealth it makes me so angry. There is a direct correlation between their stock performing well and the number of claims being denied.
Retire from full-time employment at 55. However, retirement sidelines a lot of knowledge, that society needs. It would also be good for the vast majority of people to continue to remain actively doing things, to live a full life.
It really doesn’t. There are many qualified people willing and waiting to take over positions. Let those who have worked most their life rest now. They earned it.
I’m 53; my brother in law as well as cousin’s husband both hit full pension working for the state at 50-55 and appear happier retired.
Personally, I’d like the option to work less and not have to worry about healthcare
They made it out of the trenches. lol healthcare! Like we ask for the seemingly simplest things. Yall did the work. Yall deserve to enjoy retirement before the body physically starts limiting what you can do.
Yessir! I worked in 401ks and IRAs. Lots of people wish they could retire. It was sad really how many people were forced (through various circumstances) to continue to work.
Yeah, sorry, folks, but some things—like health care, schools, public safety—are supposed to be a public service, not a business to make billionaires richer. But I’m sure the same people who privatized our prisons are now pushing for a “for-profit” ambulance service, huh?
Don't forget mail. The U.S. postal service shouldn't be worried at ALL about their balance sheet or trying to turn a profit. We ALL pay for it. It's not a business.
Nor should primary and secondary education. Education as a whole shouldn’t be for profit nor should it be a bargaining chip for politicians to push their agenda. Ie. private school vouchers, specific religions in school, making kids pay for lunch, etc.
Say it loud, say it proud!
Personally, I’d like the option to work less and not have to worry about healthcare