My material grandmother split from her husband for about 3 years in mid-1940s. He lived in Worcester MA and she moved to Newton. She managed and baked for a tea house. She and her three children lived in the apartment upstairs from the tea house.
Why my response to make America great again is when was it great for women, disabled, minorities, poor, other faiths besides Christianity and LGBTQ people? Going backwards only benefit the rich white males who are scared their privilege is in danger because everyone is getting a seat at the table.
I realize that Nana on Mom’s side was a rebel in her way…. Separated from her husband, working, & Catholic in New England in the 1950s, till they passed away
My paternal grandparents divorced in the late 40’s not long after my g’pa rtn from WW2. G’ma had serious relationships, but never remarried. G’pa married 9 times (4x to same woman). I asked my grandma why she never married again. She said she didn’t want a man telling her what to do. Badass!
This is a level of it
The need to bind women to be dependent on men promotes the myth women are not good enough to be trusted with these things
We need to be aware of just how misogyny shapes our world
Today there is a movement to take us back to the good old days
We have made so much progress for women in the last 50 years. It's so sad to see it that it might all go away. What is sadder still, is that there are actually women who support taking women's rights away from them.
My daughter works 50 hours a week for low wages and I watch her kids when she cant find a sitter. The government helps her with food thankfully. But im happy she can be independent and vote because that is more important
The National Abortion Ban moving through Congress now says, “health care should emphasize the whole woman, including her physical, mental, and spiritual wellness,” and “health care for women should also address the needs of men, families, and communities.”
It’s 2025. We not only know what causes pregnancy but have access to twelve methods of contraception to prevent one, pre and post sex.
Why in HELL is abortion even needed as an option today b other than the health of mother or child?
ANSWER: Irresponsibility.
I really think people need to rewatch "Love Story". 1970. Ali McGraw's character gets cancer and her husband and doctor discuss whether to tell HER. It was up to her husband.
I bring this up all the time when people say it was so much better when women were at home. Yeah. For the men who are free to have affairs and hide money and control their wives. Many couples died hating each other because divorce wasn't an option financially. Not for regular reasons like now. 😐
It was never clear why she went back but she did.
This is a level of it
The need to bind women to be dependent on men promotes the myth women are not good enough to be trusted with these things
We need to be aware of just how misogyny shapes our world
Today there is a movement to take us back to the good old days
They want women to be breeders.
This was never "just" about the right to choose or women's healthcare.
Project 2025 wants to make divorce impossible, outlaw contraceptives and restore a patriarchal society.
Why in HELL is abortion even needed as an option today b other than the health of mother or child?
ANSWER: Irresponsibility.
We didn't hardly question that kind of thing then