Russia has been planning this coup for a long time. Putin is finally getting his revenge for the USSR's collapse. It was always personal for him. As Nikita Khrushchev said in 1956: “We will take America without firing a shot. We do not have to invade the U.S. We will destroy you from within”.
Now, I'm profoundly sorry to say, it is crystal clear.
Yet the orange dingleberry gets elected President when he’s got hundreds of shady ties to Russia. It’s insane.
They can’t keep the bad people out if they’re awful people themselves.
You can’t even get a job in a chain store like Target if you’ve been indicted for a crime, but the GOP has no problems with an indicted candidate.
Trump’s architect, Alan Lapidus, said “he could not get anybody in the US to lend him anything. It was all coming out of Russia. His involvement with Russia was deeper than he’s acknowledged.”