We do have one thing that the Allies didn't have when rounding up nazis during/after the war. A well established online presence of all of the people supporting the fascist regime taking over the US. It will be so much easier to identify them when the revolution begins. Which should be right now.
I was home sick and had the misfortune of watching every minute of Bondi’s confirmation hearing and this chick is straight up Nazi bat shit crazy. Never answered a question straight forward. Very creepy stepford wife type with no soul.
The hypocrisy is just too much to take. My brain can’t compute anymore. I thought the republicans wanted to protect the constitution & free speech and now they’re going after the very thing they claim they want to protect?🤷🏻♀️ And the base is OK with this type of DICTATORSHIP? Make it make sense.
These words make my skin crawl. This is no longer a government, of the people, and for the people. Trump works for us.It's not the other way around.trump is not a king.He's a crook, a grifter, and a felon.And he lies constantly. He's going to destroy america.
So I’m guessing that republicans will be totally cool when the next democrat is president that ALL republicans and especially trump supporters be purged from the government?