Wow, the French are not pulling their punches are they? But then, why should they? The two are such good buddies.
I’m still not convinced about the whole Krasnov story but I’m not unconvinced either. I’m just holding judgment until I see some stronger evidence. Waiting for now.
Plato knew that democracy can be defeated by demagogy. But until we can generate reliable philosopher kings, we have to be vigilant and occasionally rebellious.
Interesting choice for an asset's code name. For those few here who might not know: Krasnov was a murdering butcher, whom we'd consider a war criminal in the years before 2016 Anno Horribilis; later a Nazi collaborator who was executed by Russia.
Russia knew what they might be getting.
I’m still not convinced about the whole Krasnov story but I’m not unconvinced either. I’m just holding judgment until I see some stronger evidence. Waiting for now.
Russia knew what they might be getting.