Crazy because Ronald Reagan would roll over in his grave right now watching this happen. The Russian people deserve better than Putin and oligarchy. They don’t know what true freedom feels like Ukrainians have gotten a taste of it and that’s why they’re willing to die for it.
Putins vilde drøm: Vil æde sig ind på Europa
Ruslands leder vil genskabe et russisk imperium, der strækker sig langt ind i Europa, fortæller militærforsker
They need to stop using US intelligence unfortunately we are not to be trusted right now. I’m sure Trump loves providing Putin with any information. He’s got his nose up Putin‘s butt.
The bottom image of a headline from an article written last year. Let’s do our checking of facts and dates and not be a part of the propaganda machine, yall.
"Maxar, provider of orbital imagery, said U.S. gov't is suspending services to Ukraine. Soldiers on the ground are feeling the effects already." – Washington Post
This is beyond vindictive; it’s evil. Trump is now directly complicit in the deaths of Ukrainians fighting for their survival.
Ruslands leder vil genskabe et russisk imperium, der strækker sig langt ind i Europa, fortæller militærforsker
This is going to end really badly.
This is beyond vindictive; it’s evil. Trump is now directly complicit in the deaths of Ukrainians fighting for their survival.
Isn’t that punishable by death????