There are a lot of wrong-headed people. IMO, Trump won because of the low-information vote--people who don't follow the news and hoped Trump would bring back pre-pandemic grocery prices. Comparative aggregate votes analyses from 2020, '22, and '24 seem to bear that out. /1
Ladies I know said they had to keep reminding themselves to ignore all the other negative stuff about him, except for the policies they agreed with. It's some form of that. I didn't have thr heart to ask WHAT policies. I still have to work with them. Blue dot in a red area.
Me too. One of them was talking one day about how she had to have a chat with her dad who is homophobic...what would he feel if one of her kids was gay. You love who you love. Voted for tfg anyway. Another pretty independent gal...listened to her hubs and her credit card debt.
True..Trump takes hundreds of top secret documents. FBI reveals Nat'l Archives quietly tried to get documents for months. Trump refused then FBI quietly asks for docs.Trump refused. FBI gets docs with search warrant. Search reveals anyone could get secret docs.
If the media had done their jobs properly, this would have been presented to the American public as a massive breach of security and the trust of the people. It would have been at the top of every news program, the front page of every paper. Instead it was just another blip among many.
When did you get to bluesky? I have missed reading your thoughts since I deleted my twitter account back in 22 and am so pumped to get to read them again!
100%, and the number of white women who would gladly sacrifice their own daughter’s rights for their son’s (or sacrifice somebody else’s) is why we are here.
Maybe this is me in my bubble inside an echo chamber, but does anyone really live in this world long enough to raise two children to adulthood or near-adulthood and manage to be this clueless? I think there's something they're not telling us about this person.
These folks know what they want to do. It's easy to see them as stupid, but they've watched for two decades and learned the lessons of political messaging. They find a message and stick to it. No matter how dumb it looks to us, they have tremendous discipline and are self-motivated.
political partisanship is generally linked to identity first. the most important identities are partisan, so people may have longstanding familial or community connections to one party. after's mostly race. a lot of white people identify strongly with the GOP.
Yes, but I do think the rationalization is easier if you believe, as this person may have (and as some surely did) that US troops were on the ground in Ukraine in large numbers and in combat.
Exactly. That's how the human brain is wired. It is fruitless to deal with people's stated reasons. All the political analysis in this arena is bankrupt.
Above didn't change Trump voters