I missed my second flight because of the people before me and the security, they were being so slow I was a few minutes late and I broke down in tears in front of a flight attendant
I had a panic attack and I couldn't breathe
I had a panic attack and I couldn't breathe
C'est dur
My body is aching from the 13hours flight and I thought it was over
It can be hard to handle mentally
You will make it though, even if you have to wait a bit longer than you would've wanted. You'll feel your loved ones warmth soon
I'm all alone in this situation rn and if I have no strength I'm just doomed to stay longer with no way to solve my issues
I'll try to stay strong.. at least until I make it to my city
I'm glad they were supportive and that they could work out a solution for you ^^
I hope you didn’t have to go through CdG afterwards…
Its supposed to go in 5 minutes
Well I’m late to seeing this, so I *hope* you somehow made it to the plane okay…