I have all the main 4 that people bring up (goodreads, storygraph, bookmary, and fable) and they all have fun little bits to them but I think goodreads is the best for tracking just because of how simple it is to use. All 4 are free so you can really try them all and see which one you like the most.
i use goodreads and storygraph atm but i just don’t like how glitchy goodreads is but i couldn’t figure out how to make a new collection in story graph to add books i have physically o: is there a way to do that?
But hey bookmory let's you pick what type of format your book is when you add it. Also they have a collections list you can create whatever you want and add them to it.
My storygraph seems to be down at the moment so I can't get back into it at the moment but I wonder if that is something you can't do in the app but you can on the website?
libib! haven't used it in a long time but it's designed specifically for managing ur media library. notion or spreadsheet templates are also great if u don't mind more manual logging
oooo youre the second one saying bookmory!! i’ll have to test it and compare to libib and see what i like better! i do use storygraph & goodreads for tracking but i want something cleaner for my physical tbr