Sonic games need to stop relying on nostalgia and previous games as much
I want something like Unleashed again, frontiers was close but flopped with reused level assets and layouts
you are right kind of but cyber space is honestly not a huge part of frontiers compared to open zone and literally no other sonic game straight up copies and pastes level design and assets in that way anyways
You’re right but it’s just so jarring that ever since lost world sonic has been addicted to referencing itself
That’s not to dog on both generations games and mania they’re excellent games but it’s getting a bit old to see stuff from old games so much
Nope :3
Genuinely I think actual platforming, actual combat, and actual puzzle solving are vastly superior to "boost-to-win" stages where you hold down one button and watch the pretty colors go by
Most involved in the boost formula? Nah I can't agree with that. Colors, Generations, and even Lost World have more interactive level design imo. The most Unleashed's day stages ask of you really is a quick strafe lane change left or right from time to time.
secret rings is pretty good actually. I played it for the first time on original hardware a couple months back and had a blast besides a couple of missions. the controls are the worst part but even they get better as the game progresses to where near the end its fun to play as Sonic.
the controls are fun and half the reason why i love that game, tbh. theyre not like precise but i have a soft spot for wii motion controls i really FEEL like sonic
i always thought shadow would be really cool as like a more like narrative adventure thing where you make choices outside of the actual sonic gameplay instead of the fuckass missions
Eh I guess it isn't for me, but boost formula is conceptually basic and requires work to make it interesting in my perspective, lest the illusion of speed wears off and it's just Sonic going forward while you can barely see + interact the world created for you to play in
they're not comparable but they're similarly unfairly treated.
Spring Yard is the only time I find myself wanting to just get it done with. Those moving blocks are just upsetting
although to be fair, i used to think sonic 1 was a BAD video game and now i just think its a kind of underwhelming sonic game. i think everyone should try playing it without the spin dash
on on one hand yeah it’s like not the END of the world but on the other hand i have completely Seen the Light about how many things they’ve messed up with the current models
I can't stand any of the games and I don't get what people see in the franchise. If you can help me understand why so many people like the jank I've been shown, call 555-SONC-GOOD with a thorough dissertation on why sonic is a good franchise.
if the rumored heroes remake is true, id love something similar to shadow generations that shows metal's story before the events of heroes and how he became neo metal sonic
honestly anything that'll explore his character more, the IDW comics kinda did that but i wanna see them go further
tho with Metal, the issue is making his value actual shine through and not dulling him over time for trivial or unneccessary things, such as fan nostalgia or because he's famous BECAUSE of what he's done. His type of character is similar to Shadow's: He as elements for a good story, or a
caricature. Such as how Shadow is a compelling redeemed victim in SA2 and an Edgelord in Shadow 05, Sonic Sonic Boom and beyond; Metal Sonic is a powerful rival and opponent in Sonic Heroes (CD is unfortunately debatable) and is a copycat badnik who's always gonna lose to Sonic. If Metal /does/ get
the spotlight, even in Sonic heroes, they /really/ should decide whether to kill him off for good (like Chaos and Tikal, gone forever, or like Mephiles: can't exist at the height of his power cus what made him 'him' is gone) OR, they actually develop his character like they've done for Shadow in SA2
• In terms of Sega-made games, CD is the best 2D game, and Adventure is the best 3D game.
• Ring Racers is the best Sonic game ever made, and also the best racing game ever made.
• Eggman has never had a bad design. Except that one from Prime.
• I strongly dislike the classic sonic model used for generations and forces, and less so the one for Superstars.
• The SA1 side characters were fun actually
• Everything about 06 was great except the gameplay
• My wife is objectively correct about anything Sonic related 90% of the time
• Sonic has only ever succeeded despite Sega, and not because of them.
• SRB2 is one of my favorite Sonic games, but I strongly disagree with the reasoning of like 90% of other people who would say that.
• Sonic R is cool actually
• Dimps is given an unfairly bad reputation among fans
Sonic Adventure 2 is pretty overrated. it's still good but it gets gassed up way more than it deserves to be IMO. I straight up think Adventure 1 is better
i think most of the reason a lot of people prefer SA2 is like vibes and story line. i think sa1 is a lot better tbh, in gameplay a lot of sa2 feels like a downgrade
Secret Rings is by far the worst Sonic game. '06 is a close second- but also, '06's plot is overhated- it was mostly good. The interspecies stuff shouldn't matter, since both characters are sentient and consenting- also, it's fictional. People are just mad that Sonic had a canon love interest.
I'm glad you like it! I really wanted to like it too. Am I missing something with it? I definitely want to go back to it and try to totally finish it. I tried before, and just ended up angry with it.
honestly i get angry at the game a lot to but there is something so novel and silly about the motion controls that i immediately go back to enjoying it. its probably completely fair to not like playing it that much but i am silly and like shaking my wii remote
I'm planning to go back and beat every major Sonic game 100%, so I'll definitely have to figure it out! I've got nothing against motion controls, I just couldn't get them to consistently work with me instead of against me in that game!
Sonic Heroes is the best BAD 3D Sonic game.
Sonic Forces is the worst GOOD 3D Sonic game.
Sonic Heroes is loved despite some almost '06 level glitches, and Sonic Forces is overhated for just being released around the time of some of the best modern games in the series.
Both are awkward entries.
Yeah, this was more about Forces to be honest! I think it's... actually pretty good? I went back to it recently and had a good time. It totally has flaws, fairly big ones sometimes too- but it's still one of the GOOD 3D Sonic games even so- is my main point!
I like Sonic Adventure 1 a lot more than 2, and also Sonic 1 is a garbage ass game built specifically to spite me (I'm currently making a vid where I play every mainline Sonic game, and I just finished 1. I hate these two enemies specifically)
I want something like Unleashed again, frontiers was close but flopped with reused level assets and layouts
That’s not to dog on both generations games and mania they’re excellent games but it’s getting a bit old to see stuff from old games so much
Genuinely I think actual platforming, actual combat, and actual puzzle solving are vastly superior to "boost-to-win" stages where you hold down one button and watch the pretty colors go by
Hey, you asked for hottakes, right? 🤣
but ok
Thanks for reading.
Rise of Lyric is RIGHT there
Also frontiers is Adventure formula coming back in small bits for the modern broken age
..i do think sonic 1 is kinda boring though a lot of the time
Spring Yard is the only time I find myself wanting to just get it done with. Those moving blocks are just upsetting
i think small character design things do matter
honestly anything that'll explore his character more, the IDW comics kinda did that but i wanna see them go further
tho with Metal, the issue is making his value actual shine through and not dulling him over time for trivial or unneccessary things, such as fan nostalgia or because he's famous BECAUSE of what he's done. His type of character is similar to Shadow's: He as elements for a good story, or a
• In terms of Sega-made games, CD is the best 2D game, and Adventure is the best 3D game.
• Ring Racers is the best Sonic game ever made, and also the best racing game ever made.
• Eggman has never had a bad design. Except that one from Prime.
• The SA1 side characters were fun actually
• Everything about 06 was great except the gameplay
• My wife is objectively correct about anything Sonic related 90% of the time
• SRB2 is one of my favorite Sonic games, but I strongly disagree with the reasoning of like 90% of other people who would say that.
• Sonic R is cool actually
• Dimps is given an unfairly bad reputation among fans
and superstars has good music (except the boss music)
and sonic 4 isnt THAT bad
kinda right but its complicated
ik my opinion is right!!!
Thought I'd give a bit of a spicy opinion.
Sonic Frontiers is genuinely so much fun, I love just running across the islands.
stockholm syndrome
Sonic Forces is the worst GOOD 3D Sonic game.
Sonic Heroes is loved despite some almost '06 level glitches, and Sonic Forces is overhated for just being released around the time of some of the best modern games in the series.
Both are awkward entries.