We assume the door card is neither a spade nor a King. We also assume Villain has two spade cards and may even possess two Broadway spades. We’re drawing to one of three Kings (6.8%). Villain is likely drawing to a spade (20%), and could have a pair. Villain has odds, fold. (Pot odds ignored.)
I'm glad you put some serious thought into this but damn. Villain?? 😭😭😭 She can't just be an opponent? 😂
That said, folding is probably the better option
And as to folding, the most likely holding for an all-in here is probably a set of As or Ts. It’s a protective all-in as opposed to an exploitive play. Against a set, I would always fold here since I can’t rule out a spade draw (since I have no spades) and I’m still drawing thin to one of 3 Ks.
In poker analysis, the narrating player is always referred to as “hero” and the opponent is always referred to as “villain”. It’s a shorthand, not a character study.
That said, folding is probably the better option