Photos from Lockdown LOL
This is when I got pregnant and just before I became “Ziggy_Princess_” and met some of you lovely lot on Twitter! 🤍
This is when I got pregnant and just before I became “Ziggy_Princess_” and met some of you lovely lot on Twitter! 🤍
❕thick socks and put plasters where you KNOW they’re going to rub, put them on BEFORE the blisters.
I have a 6 week old and I just can never see it happening 😭
I didn’t start streaming until he was about 2, it wasn’t something that interested me for a while. I couldn’t even get dressed when he was 6 weeks old 😂
I feel guilty for taking 3 minutes to use the bathroom, nevermind 3 hours on stream 🥹
Thank you ☺️
I’d recommend getting one of these though! They’re just attached to you whilst you have both hands free… the gaming time this sling got me because Sebby napped so well in this bad boy omg 😂😂😂
My brother got me an Arnold Schwarzenegger Total Recall mask 🤣
Miss that beard, that one grew in well… current beard is a mess 😂