Just like trump and his being a business genius. Legends in their own minds. Money makes them think they are better and above everyone else when in reality, they got their money by lying, conning and cheating on the backs of those they look down upon.
All true. Remember how the cuckoo egg got into the nest? Its mama laid it in the nest of another smaller species. The rightful nest owner incubates and nurtures the cuckoo after it has discarded her chicks. It's a parasite of sorts, getting illegitimately fat to thrive and repeat the cycle.
Did I tell you I went to visit my Indian boss on Saturday and she said she wants to drive for Tesla off a cliff. She's angry she's scared very intelligent woman girl and can't understand any of it and I told her you're never going to get it ever don't try
I'm afraid too LOL I mean really she's scared s******* she said to me yeah but you have blonde hair you'll fit in I said ma'am I have teeth I have a mind and no matter where I go everybody knows I'm a liberal I said I'm not deserting you or anybody else
That’s Musk: a usurper who claims the credit for talented people’s work and then puts it about that he is a genius.
So yes, he is dangerous all right as well as extremely nasty.