Today's Poetry Thread: SOLITUDE/LONELINESS
This poem breaks me wide open. Feel free to add poems to the thread.
This poem breaks me wide open. Feel free to add poems to the thread.
im Gehirn gebogen,
durch die Synapsen gezogen,
im Kortex versteckt,
und ausgesprochen bis der Speichel verreck.
Are you comfortable with the moment?
-Yes: Solitude
-No: Loneliness
Items that you left while on your own in any one place, will still be there, 6 months, 9 months, 24 months down the road
Oh what a treat
They dance till the Duck falls down dead
With their heads all cut off
The cattle mate in the trough
So they don't have to move to be fed
Farmer Jones may be strange
Though his farm is deranged
There's no point for Mrs Jones to sob
The sheep's vomit stained fleece
What fun on Jones' farm of macabre
How to Come Out of Lockdown
~ Jim Moore
—I have learned that to be alone is what is good for me. I am pretending.
We are spendthrift with words,
We squander them,
Toss them like pennies in the air—
Arrogant words,
Angry words,
Cruel words,
Comradely words,
Shy words tiptoeing from mouth to ear.
But the slow wrought words of love
and the thunderous words of heartbreak—
Those we hoard.
Pauli Murray
Amid the fauna of the forest
Yet all that found me was loneliness
My faith was not in earnest.
Here is WIlliam Stafford's "Looking Across the River." It's so haunting. And that last stanza...
“In Your Wild Dream,” Richard Hugo (1977)
I just can't quite get with the way this one feels.
I have referred to inanimate as "children" but NOT ACTUAL CHILDREN. Funny when it's a cute girl moment.
Kinda depressing to read in this.
Like, my rock collection, they each have a feeling i project...
...but they are just rocks.