This is pathetic. If you make accusations you need to be able to back them up. Typically people end up linking other people who made the same accusations, but when it comes to substance, there's basically nothing.
I came onto your post to be the one out of two people who talks about him by having a non-zero level of knowledge about him and his work. And because words are important: both "right wing" and "reactionary" mean something that doesn't make sense here.
I ended my post admitting that I don't know much about the guy. The way people I follow (who are primarily left wing) are concerned about his history of harassment and overt hatred of trans people (which is a very right wing thing) had me posting that maybe we should all just block him.
Okay, let me stop being snarky for a while and tell you one thing in absolute honesty: Jesse is a great guy, and the "history of harassment" is an absolute fabrication, as well as his "hatred of trans people" (unless you count an obsession for evidence based medicine as hatred). His podcast is
fun and interesting, and his articles are always well researched and argumented. I would encourage you to make up your own mind based on first hand experience and listen to a couple of episodes and read a few of his articles. He's the victim of a massive smear campaign by radical extremists who
I don't know you either.
You came onto my post to lick Singal's boots, so any answer I gave you would never have changed your mind anyway.
There are point by point issues with links to sources in this article.
I'll admit that I see he admits when he was wrong about his analysis of certain studies, but then he doubles down on his original take.
I'm sure his podcast is just as good as everyone's podcast.