The people who are committing these crimes against innocent people….Sheesh… how could there be so many in America willing to deface someone property—especially someone they don’t know?? WTH
Only a dummkopf democrat could classify the world's GREATEST EV maker - right here in America - with a $799,980,000,000 Market Cap, whose stock was was up 5.27% today while the SP500 was up only 0.14%, & has a 12 month price appreciation target of 36%, as "ruined". MSNBC ruined Joy Reid. MAGA. DOGE
They're not the brightest or the best. In fact, they're having a Total Mental Collapse. In truth most of the country hates the Democrats (Home of the KKK) & Malcolm X did warn that the white liberal: Maddow, Wallace, and honourary blonde,Joy are the greatest enemy to black people and America.
Tesla stock is trading at the 1000 day moving average. If you haven’t sold your stock yet, get on it. Elon has sold everything but 15% of his stock. Elon is not well, and we let him be president of the United States by default. What the F.
Buy A Rivian real cars not little play cars.
Nobody cares Joy. You foolishly dumped 1000s of followers on "X" ....and then got the sack by the white liberals you impersonate. Go back to "X" and be a voice.
And I have to ask why people aren’t outraged that Republican members of Congress are collecting a paycheck and “ working” in Cushy offices in Washington DC while Democrats are doing town halls in their districts. I feel like I’m living in the upside down.
JOY be the voice of reason. We’re in this mess because of a fraudulent election. No one wants to touch the subject - even when there’s footage where DJT brags about it crediting fElon. THINGS WILL ONLY GETTING WORSE. I’ll tell you this: HISTORY WILL SHOW THIS WILL OUR GREATEST REGRET AS A NATION.
H. Clinton’s crime was working from home. VP Harris’ crime was being a joyful woman of color. trump is a twice impeached , self identified sexual predator, with 3 baby mommas, who filed for bankruptcy six times and
was convicted for fraudulent business practices. Privilege much ?JC4L
Elon met with his employees asking them to hold on to stock cause great things are coming and he has a great track record. Look back at all the years he's on record promoting shit that never happens. Those people need to find new jobs and do what his board members are doing dumping stock
Hey Joy! Miss your voice! I’m sure you’re still fighting the fight and your words will always motivate, inform and encourage. Light and love coming your way 😊💙
I won’t be satisfied until Elon loses his last penny. He is an abhorrent and disgusting person. He is the de facto president and his mere presence in Washington is proof that we’re living in a kleptocracy.
"Republicans are displaying more passion [for Tesla]than I’ve seen them show to school children who face gun massacres..." Great line that says a lot about Republicans.
I don’t pay for opinions on how to prolong wars and killing. #War #Hate #Censorship are ENEMIES of #Freedom
#Karma is causality.
If we don’t grasp concepts of “Do not kill” or “Sanctity of Life” or “Compassion” how can we expect #AI models to?
No doubt Elon is the waste trump is the fraud and the GOP is the abuse in their fake ass dode WTF ever waste, fraud & abuse and the nerve of trump to say the protesters are terrorists so is this when he's gonna order the alcoholic DOD to shoot them bc is a official order John Roberts scotus chief
Buy A Rivian real cars not little play cars.
They're all insurance fires. That and to garner sympathy.
Try ghost or another option
was convicted for fraudulent business practices. Privilege much ?JC4L
Dots will be connected by more people on the abominable fascist legacy his grandfather and father want for him
Truer words have rarely been spoken.
#Karma is causality.
If we don’t grasp concepts of “Do not kill” or “Sanctity of Life” or “Compassion” how can we expect #AI models to?