When our veterans signed up to serve, there wasn’t a waiting line. When they come home, there shouldn’t be a waiting line for the care they’ve earned. Eliminating employees at the VA that support veterans is a direct attack on the care and benefits our veterans deserve.
Clever lines and posting up a storm is exactly what's needed to stop him, right?
You wrote..."When our veterans signed up to serve, there wasn’t a waiting line."
I'm sorry but, your statement is wrong! I completed all requirements (testing, background, physical, etc...) to enlist in The Navy but... There WAS A WAITING LIST! 8 mo later I was still waiting! 1/
All Service Mbrs take oath "To support & defend The Constitution against all enemies foreign & DOMESTIC..." One's enlistment time expires but one's oath DOESN'T...EVER!
Talk about your plans.
Talk about your actions.
...or shut the fuck up and get the fuck out of the way for somebody who has them.
Brand every single action they have taken. This is the Republican’s fault. All of it.
But, is there any chance you can muster up a little backbone to point out the FACT that Donald Trump is a traitor working for the Russians?
@jeff-merkley.bsky.social was able to do it, why can’t you? 🤔
1 freeze your credit
2 see your doctor/vaccines
3 renew your passport
4 ask doctor for three months supply of meds
5 update your sexual orientation in medical be ambiguous
6 shop local
7 stay informed
8 stay hydrated
9 help others
10 download your SSA statements
Musk wouldn't know this (nor would he care):
❗ >125,000 veterans have died by suicide since 2001
❗about 6,000 veterans take their own lives each year
You’d think someone willing to crush a salad with a hair comb in a pinch would be capable of some urgent and courageous problem solving, but nope! She’s weak and useless.
instead of action
thank you so much
You are helping republicans destroy the VA.
Please stop helping republicans.
They know guns, planning, explosives, strategy.