(I’m subtweeting half of this fucking website, fuck all y’all)
Listen, I voted for Harris. That doesn’t make me a brave, sane adult and it doesn’t make you one either. Can you acknowledge that the system is fucked?
My decision is a laundry list of compromises and I’m happy with absolutely zero of them. We would do so much better as a democracy with ranked-choice voting, but that’s not going to happen while the parties have an ironclad monopoly on the electorate
Vote for who you want. Or don’t. That’s absolutely your call. You know your moral breakpoints better than I or anyone else does. But a better world isn’t possible until power is built outside of the primary structures.
Listen, I voted for Harris. That doesn’t make me a brave, sane adult and it doesn’t make you one either. Can you acknowledge that the system is fucked?