There is a yellow one that won't
Accept the black one
That won't accept the red one
That won't accept the white one
Different strokes for different folks
And so on and so on and
I am everyday people. Sly Stone
So people who are intellectually differently advantaged can be killed whenever because they cannot understand social contract theory? And kids, too? And criminals! Get rid of courts. Just "Judge Dredd" them all!
You do understand Popper's "paradox of tolerance", which is nonsense, and are using it to justify authoritarianism. I mocked you by extending your misrepresentation of the "paradox" (it aint even a paradox) to include others who fail to abide by social contract for whatever reason.
No, it is how society functions.
Morality is personal; it has nothing to do with state actions. Things that are immoral are legal and things that are moral/amoral are illegal.
What does WWII have to do with your misunderstanding Popper's writings?
The context is social contract theory. What does lack of "tolerance" for the "intolerant" mean then? Calling them names on twitter? Giving their businesses bad reviews on Yelp?
Well I would say you have the smart side and then you have the dumb side. The dumb side hates anyone who isn’t stupid like them, while the smart side hates seeing people destroy their democracy.
The problem is they’ve been lied to so thoroughly they believe whole groups of people are degenerates which is obviously false, but they’re forced to believe it because their orange leader tells them it’s so.
I will say that there is a serious racism, ableism and transphobia problem on the left.
Just look at the amount of democrats who blamed Latino and trans people for Donald Trump being elected.
Disabled people are also left out of most leftist movements.
One side is worse, but both have serious issues
Ive also seen a lot of Islamophobia, especially when the Israel-Palestine conflict started. A lot of people who are very liberal have made some seriously hateful, overgeneralized statements about Muslims. It's like they think all Muslims are either the Taliban and ISIS or are women.
Never forget that there is love and compassion on both sides also
One loves power, money and influence and feels compassion for lying winging pathetic bullies
You can fill in the rest
Precisely, and then the magats complain about lack of tolerance. Tolerance doesn't mean accept everything. There are actions and behavior that must not be tolerated; bigotry, racism, child and spousal abuse, rape, misogyny,, treason, theft, etc. Magats don't have issues with those behaviors.
One side judges people by the color of other people's skin (and other arbitrary markers that people have no control over), the other side hates people for the content of their character.
Weird that RapeubliKKKlans never considered that the one MLK quote is supposed to apply to white people as well.
It’s time to change our old talking points. These are no longer true. We are losing support in all these groups. The racist, misogynist attacks ring hollow. Have we not learned anything from this past election? Voters are not buying these attacks.
It's a logical fallacy & dishonest to generalize groups of people like this. After all, people are not rubber stamps of each other as it would be easy to find individuals in the group that you label as "bigots", who are black, brown, asian, gay. Demonizing groups is what lost the election for Dems.
Lack of votes is the result. What do you think are some of the causes behind the lack of votes? A change like this takes place when enough people are not happy about the current state of their lives. Significant shifts in voting demographics occurred, so understanding root causes can be insighful.
And by 'Da man'. I mean 'Da woman'. Or your preferred identifier. I meant it for someone else, so please forgive me! (the post is still true though. Haters be hating)!
It's the people on the bottom who are doing the best in this economy. Wages are growing much faster than inflation and the net worth of the bottom 50% has gone up by 87% over the last 3 years.
You know who ISN'T doing better? The wealthy - your news is filled with negative stories for a reason.
The whole system is not working for the people in America, and we can keep comparing left vs right, but I rather compare with countries that is better, than with those that are doing worse, and there is NO blue state I would rather live in than Scandinavia.
Like talking to a mirror.
Plenty to agree on, and despite all this Democrats lost. There is a massive homeless problem in America, and despite all the right some states do, no state is better than any of the Scandinavian countries.
Mirror them? How about surpassing them in every way?
Fox dominates, especially in the South, and mainstream press like the NYTimes follow their lead, which means the only time the Dems *can* break through is during crisis
Targeting development to poorer areas which the IRA, Infrastructure & CHIPs bills do, helps break the cycle of poverty, & can help
Yes good analysis. Clearly your strong suit. Still no solution other than what they have been doing for a long time. Meanwhile Europe and much of Asia is moving far ahead in life quality for the citizens.
It's simple, both parties sucks.
Now is the time for Democrats to prove themselves.
Indoctrination, culture, community, many in America are born and raised to hate the other side.
Republicans in many places still call Democrats Communists, yet not one of those people understand the words Socialism or Communism.
I don't bame people, we all on a spectrum, I blame the system.
Agreed. But what I am getting at is that there are issues that need to be addressed. Not kicked down the street because they are difficult.
That drives people into the arms of people promising to deal with them.
That is certainly a problem. I watched a programme showing people with good jobs living in cars and motorhome.
Yet the media keep announcing house price increases as if it's a good thing. When it's a failure to build enough homes.
Do you see the irony in your comment? Come join me in the fringe moderate party. No hyperbole. No excluding other ideas. No hate. Warning: you may be hated by the extremes of both sides.
When a maggot accuses liberals of hate, I always tell them, yes, we do have heat. The difference is that we hate the haters, and if you can figure out the difference between the two, then you’re a maggot.
your too kind , there is the little matter of the 40 year campaine to keep us in poverty while they got filthy rich and demonized and downgraded everything we did, do and say while ramming a religious scam down everyone,s throat. and thats just for starters.
Amen Totally Concur any Ethnicity is a Threat to Trump's Criminality riddled enablers b/c We're Defenders of Constitution Bill of Rights Separation of branches of Govt & Not Influenced by Communist Dictators!
I use the analogy if the car in front of you ran a stop sign then you ran the stop sign & you both get pulled over. You cannot use the excuse he did it first the cop would be chuckling as he hands you a ticket. When you get to court the judge will either laugh or just say guilty pay your fine.
There isn’t hate. It’s called disagreement, but the MSM and Dems have embedded the word hate into your everyday vocabulary so much, it has become your fallback narrative.
If a person is a bigot it means they can’t be intelligent or funny.
Accept the black one
That won't accept the red one
That won't accept the white one
Different strokes for different folks
And so on and so on and
I am everyday people. Sly Stone
and is far outside the bounds of any kind of rational morality.
Was WW2 justified ?
Are the actions of Ukraine and Russia justified?
I eagerly await you excuses
Morality is personal; it has nothing to do with state actions. Things that are immoral are legal and things that are moral/amoral are illegal.
What does WWII have to do with your misunderstanding Popper's writings?
I was unaware of this.
The problem is that Repugs hate more things than they love.
-Jack & Dean
Just look at the amount of democrats who blamed Latino and trans people for Donald Trump being elected.
Disabled people are also left out of most leftist movements.
One side is worse, but both have serious issues
One loves power, money and influence and feels compassion for lying winging pathetic bullies
You can fill in the rest
Weird that RapeubliKKKlans never considered that the one MLK quote is supposed to apply to white people as well.
If that makes me a bad person then I am happy to be bad person for a good cause.
There is good and evil in this world. Those who act out of love, compassion, and tolerance are the good ones.
And sometimes lactose.
The reality is, the system won in America, they managed to make a system where the rich always win, and the poor always lose.
You know who ISN'T doing better? The wealthy - your news is filled with negative stories for a reason.
When you look at wage and wealth inequality during Trumps last presidency, there was a significant jump.
Let’s see the same graph in 3 years.
Millions of lives will be better as a result. This is work that matters - are you able to see it? #DemsDeliver
The Biden Admin made the largest investment in bicycle infrastructure in history.
Please SEE real progress when it happens.
Plenty to agree on, and despite all this Democrats lost. There is a massive homeless problem in America, and despite all the right some states do, no state is better than any of the Scandinavian countries.
Mirror them? How about surpassing them in every way?
"Both sides are just the same" in all its variations is just making excuses for the worst people in the world.
Quit pretending they're the same, any fool can see that they are not.
Quit carrying water for the Right.
Let us cut it short, you are right. the right is far worse.
Now, how do you plan to make their voters aware of this?
Targeting development to poorer areas which the IRA, Infrastructure & CHIPs bills do, helps break the cycle of poverty, & can help
It's simple, both parties sucks.
Now is the time for Democrats to prove themselves.
Republicans in many places still call Democrats Communists, yet not one of those people understand the words Socialism or Communism.
I don't bame people, we all on a spectrum, I blame the system.
That drives people into the arms of people promising to deal with them.
Democrats has failed to win over the people, because they are failing the people in their own states.
California is the 5th largest economy in the world, and they have a massive homeless problem. Easy to fix, yet they are failing the people.
Yet the media keep announcing house price increases as if it's a good thing. When it's a failure to build enough homes.
Why can't we just be 90's, but more booming 70's?
In stead of ignorant, I've started saying trump supporters are knowledge adverse. Might not be profound, but the idea is there.
We have to talk differently.
I pointed out that the race of the person that spurred the comment was not the problem. THEIR IDIOCY WAS.
Fuck off, you dillweed. The republican parties entire fucking platform IS HATE. It's always BEEN hate.
This election cycle? It was trans people, Haitians, and "immigrants".
And what was their reasoning? Made up bullshit, as always.