While McConnell and Paul are cramming it all into their pockets. Their motto: take as much from the people as possible. But they keep voting for them because they all have the same common denominator, racist hate.
Without these " socialist ' programs ....better they be referred to safety nets ...many red states would go belly up. The states which send much more to DC , than they get in return . Calif , NY, Mass , Conn , Minn ..pay the freight for those states .because the R s are incompetent at governance.!!
Russian Communism is the illegitimate child of Karl Marx & Catherine the Great.
The House of Lords is like a glass of champagne stood for & days.
If you begin to consider yourself solely responsible to a political Party you're halfway to Dictatorship.
Labour Party PM Attlee. https://bsky.app/profile/horseshoepartyuk.bsky.social/post/3lb53necpc22l
Absolutely they do and Mitch McConnell has been in the Senate for 40 years. What has he changed in Kentucky? After 40 years in the Senate Kentucky should lead the Nation in something positive. If Mitch had done his job. With this track record he has failed Kentucky.
I concur this is why Congress can get nothing done on behalf of the American people. These guys are to busy being subservient to their Lords and Money Master!
There should be an upper age limit too and the lower age limits need lowering. It's ridiculous that a person can vote for a candidate at the age of 18 but cannot stand as a candidate.
You are absolutely correct. An 18 year old can be drafted into the military so they should be able to run for office. When the rules of the game was being written. You and I didn't have a seat at the table.
Republicans want smaller govt and less spending, what do you say we start making them live by their political convictions and cut the federal money we send to them.
When it comes to Red states, they are the perfect examples of hypocrisy.
I don't think this sort of argument persuades the persuadable. And it creates division across people who actually have a common interest. It is sort of a Democratic version of the stink bombs that Republicans tend to throw
Also, there is mistake in the very first word, which is not a great look
The House of Lords is like a glass of champagne stood for & days.
If you begin to consider yourself solely responsible to a political Party you're halfway to Dictatorship.
Labour Party PM Attlee.
When it comes to Red states, they are the perfect examples of hypocrisy.
Also, there is mistake in the very first word, which is not a great look