What we learned from that caravan hoax is that division in this country comes far more from media and populist politics than it does from ordinary people. Anti semitism has been weaponised by media and the right to still protest and wedge the left. That’s the true evil.
1). Who tipped off News Corp to the investigation of the Dural caravan?
2). Who was the instigator of the Telegraph quest to entrap arab cafe owners in Newtown?
Clearly the Leveson enquiry hasn't changed News Corpse ethical practices one bit
Intentionally or not, it would have encouraged fear, & in some cases hysteria, in the Jewish community & suspicion & blame of Muslims and the pro-Palestine movement. Creation of fear, suspicion, blame and division is not funny.
But they never pull back on their fascist creep rules.
We need to make that a election issue.
We also need revoking of some of the laws against protesting too.
For eg Pg 171
'These >media< organisations want more stories that drive higher ratings & circulation, not better governance from elected leaders.'
It suited a narrative, & some are still using it to that end today.